

Thank you for stopping by! I’m Kimberly – and I am on a journey to “clean up my act”.

My dad has Parkinson’s disease and he has been living with us for the past several years. One of the main causes of Parkinson’s is exposure to pesticides. Watching my dad deteriorate over the past several years has been heartbreaking. As a youngster, my dad tended his family garden, often being responsible for applying the powdery pesticides.

In my childhood, my dad also had a fairly large suburban garden. He often used pesticides. It was what you did to increase production.

Yes, that is my dad and I pictured with a huge chocolate cake. He has quite a sweet tooth and looooves processed foods. It is a struggle to find a balance of possibly reducing his Parkinson’s symptoms and letting him enjoy his life a bit.

One thing I certainly can do is compile healthier recipes and meal plans to help our family eat better. That is my goal for this blog.

Thanks again for stopping by!
Kimberly 🙂